What It’s All About

Welcome to Quotable Kindness, a safe harbor for all who seek opportunities to recognize who they truly are.

Quotable Kindness is not just about finding inspiration in the words of wisdom that are offered here. It’s about arduous journeys, heartwarming embraces, a sharing of good intentions, and the inevitable heart wrenching farewells.

Those who are quoted here share not just the beauty of their thoughts, but the experiences, insights and profound moments of their lives.

Quotable Kindness is a sail upon the seas of timeless wisdom that will forever stir your soul!

Welcome aboard this eternal passage, an opportunity to explore and discover the magic within you, and to share your love with the world.

“Time is too slow for those who wait,
too swift for those who fear,
too long for those who grieve,
too short for those who rejoice,
but for those who love, time is eternity.” … Henry Van Dyke

The words I write here can only aspire to reach the heights of those I’ve quoted, and are in no way indisputable truth. Everyone is on their own journey. Though you may ask many of the same questions I do, the answers you find will always be those found only within you. I simply want you to know that you are not alone.

Quotable Kindness is nothing more than my personal quest, my desire to allow my magic to unfold, and my responsibility to share my love with the world.

I believe these simple truths:

1. I have something of value to offer the world.

2. No one can tell me different.

3. There are countless opportunities to offer my kindness to others.

4. It is my responsibility, and mine alone, to mindfully act upon opportunities that unfold before me.

5. Any and all action I take should always begin with Gratitude.

6. All of the above are as valid for you as they are for me.

You may find this site interesting. You may find reasons to realize your own opportunities, and to pursue your own lofty goals and dreams; or perhaps you’ll depart swiftly, finding nothing of value here. Either way is OK.

Safe travels if your journey lies elsewhere, and I thank you sincerely for visiting.

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